Instalación a Equipos de Computo

Servicios de Instalación a Equipos de Cómputo
Rubarb Solutions provides almost any maintenance and improvement service to Computer Equipment.
Here are some of our services.
Installation of Eng & Esp Programs
- Windows
- Linux
- Office
- Antivirus (AVG, Norton, Avira, Etc)
- Antispyware (Super Antipyware, Ad-Aware, Etc)
Installation of Design Suites (Windows & Mac) Eng & Esp
- Adobe (CS, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CC)
- Gimp
- Autocad
- Etc
Installation of Remote PC Access Programs
- Logmein
- TeamViewer
- PCAnywhere
- Anydesk
Automatic Backup Program Settings
- Always Sync
- Good Sync
Utilities Installation
- Winamp
- Itunes
- Firefox
- Opera
- Chrome
- Safari
- Winrar
- Power ISo
- Nero Burner
Roxio - FLV Players
- Download Programs
- Power Video
- Etc